2016 Bloods Academy
29 Mar 2016 by Joe Giblin
Expressions of Interest are now open for the 2016 Bloods Academy.
As announced earlier the dates for this years Academy will be the 7th and 8th of July and it is open to all Junior Footballers in the region. All participants must be 10 years old or above. All names are to be into Joe Giblin before the 13th of April.
Participants can be expected to go through a mini AFL Draft camp program which will include a beep test and other testing as well as guest speakers, Forward, Mid and Back setups, nutrition, health and recovery. It promises to be jammed packed for all involved.The bus trip to Melbourne on the second day is currently being organised and details will be available when all confirmed.
The cost of the 2 day program will be $50 and this includes meals on the first day, a Bloods Academy Hoodie and a part payment of the bus trip to Melbourne on the 2nd day. A top up payment for the bus will be payable on the trip after numbers are finalized. It should be no more than $20
Please confirm your interest or if you need more info text or call Joe Giblin on 0417 101103. If you know your hoodie size please also provide that as well. Otherwise please catch Joe around the club on Thursday nights after training.